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[ {"DisplayText": "BHI - Head Quarter Lat.: 26.212272000, Long.:50.555641000", "ADDRESS": " ", "LatitudeLongitude": "26.2122720000,50.5556410000" } , {"DisplayText": "Samsung Showroom - Gosi Mall Lat.: 26.235712000, Long.:50.593114000", "ADDRESS": " ", "LatitudeLongitude": "26.2357120000,50.5931140000" } , {"DisplayText": "Service Center - Hoora Showroom Lat.: 26.233802000, Long.:50.594058000", "ADDRESS": " ", "LatitudeLongitude": "26.2338020000,50.5940580000" } , {"DisplayText": "Samsung Showroom - Sultan Mall Lat.: 26.170198000, Long.:50.540617000", "ADDRESS": " ", "LatitudeLongitude": "26.1701980000,50.5406170000" } , {"DisplayText": "Samsung Showroom - Bahrain City Center Lat.: 26.232928000, Long.:50.553203000", "ADDRESS": " ", "LatitudeLongitude": "26.2329280000,50.5532030000" } , {"DisplayText": "Samsung Kiosk- Enma Mall Lat.: 26.129999000, Long.:50.599500000", "ADDRESS": " ", "LatitudeLongitude": "26.1299990000,50.5995000000" } , {"DisplayText": "Samsung Kiosk- Hidd Lat.: 26.238600000, Long.:50.651400000", "ADDRESS": " ", "LatitudeLongitude": "26.2386000000,50.6514000000" } , {"DisplayText": "Samsung Showroom - Atrium Mall Lat.: 26.176000000, Long.:50.483600000", "ADDRESS": " ", "LatitudeLongitude": "26.1760000000,50.4836000000" } ]
BHI - Head Quarter|P.O. Box 632, Manama, Building 264, Sheikh Salman Highway, |Salhiya 356, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.|(+973) 17408050|(+973) 17408054||7:30AM TO 1:00PM & 2:00PM TO 5:30PM
Head Quarter
Samsung Showroom - Gosi Mall|GOSI Complex, Exhibition Road, |Kingdom of Bahrain.|(+973) 17311655|||Saturday - Thursday 9:00AM to 10:00PM, Friday 4:00PM to 10.00PM
Gosi Mall
Service Center - Hoora Showroom|Manama - Exhibition Road, |Kingdom of Bahrain.|(+973) 17310444|(+973) 17311646||Saturday - Thursday 10:00AM to 5:30PM
Service Center - Hoora Showroom
Samsung Showroom - Sultan Mall|Zayed Town,|Kingdom of Bahrain.|(+973) 17000185|||Daily 9AM-10PM
Sultan Mall
Samsung Showroom - Bahrain City Center|Manama - Seef District,|Kingdom of Bahrain.|(+973) 17000788|||Weekdays 10AM- 10PM | Thurs-Friday 10AM- 12AM
Bahrain City Center
Samsung Kiosk- Enma Mall|East Riffa|Kingdom Of Bahrain|(+973) 17408000|||Weekdays 10AM- 10PM | Thurs. Friday. Saturday 10AM- 10PM
Enma Mall
Samsung Kiosk- Hidd|P.O. Box 21584 LuLu Hypermarket, Bldg: 166,|Rd.3 Block 109, Hidd, Kingdom of Bahrain.|(+973) 17408000|||Weekdays 10AM- 10PM | Thurs. Friday. Saturday 10AM- 10PM
Samsung Kiosk- Hidd
Samsung Showroom - Atrium Mall|Atrium Mall,Al Janabiya |Kingdom of Bahrain.|(+973) 17000870|||Weekdays 10AM- 10PM | Thurs. Friday. Saturday 10AM- 10PM
BHI Atrium Mall
BHI - Head Quarter
P.O. Box 632, Manama, Building 264, Sheikh Salman Highway,
Salhiya 356, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Telephone |
(+973) 17408050
Fax |
(+973) 17408054
Email |
Time |
7:30AM TO 1:00PM & 2:00PM TO 5:30PM
Location Map: