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A. A. Bin Hindi celebrates International Women’s Day

A. A. Bin Hindi Group celebrated International Women's Day on Wednesday, 8th March 17. The event was attended by A. A. Bin Hindi Group Vic-Chairman & CEO, Ms. Lulwa Bin Hindi, A. A. Bin Hindi Group’s Director, in addition to HR & members of the Group Marketing Dept.

Highlighting the achievements and contributions of women to the company and society, Ahmed Bin Hindi commented, “we appreciate women’s role in the private sector and we are proud to mention that we do have an efficient and hardworking women workforce in the company whose contribution to the growth of the company is priceless and are an asset to be potential leaders not just within the company, but for various sectors in the country itself.

“Women are an integral part of the company’s strength and an essential part of a group which is now developed to a conglomerate.  We see several of them taking high positions within the group for which we take pride for their hard work.” said A. A. Bin Hindi Group’s Director, Ms. Lulwa Bin Hindi.

Concluding, Bin Hindi Group’s Vice-Chairman & CEO expressed his sincere thanks to all female employees, saluted their hard work and unparalleled contribution of the womenfolk and presented them with gifts and appreciation certificates.

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